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How to Make a Cheese Omelet in the Microwave

можно ли приготовить пышный омлет без молока с колбасой в чашке

Hello curious readers of my blog. If you are running out of time in the morning and the whole family needs to make breakfast, don't panic. You won't stay hungry. You can prepare a healthy and satisfying dish very quickly. Today I decided to tell you how to make an omelet in the microwave. And even several options for recipes with photos and videos I have in store for you.

By the way, I loved experimenting with omelets - I cooked closed omelet with filling... Real egg pancake with ham and melted cheese. It resembles pizza if you add tomato and more cheese. Eating 🙂

Secrets of cooking omelet in the microwave

The word "omelet" is of French origin. But no one undertakes to declare unequivocally that it was the French who invented this dish. I don't think it will ever be possible to find the real inventor of the omelet. Indeed, almost every country has its own recipe for preparing this dish.

If such a dish is cooked in a pan, it will have a significant drawback. It will turn out to be painfully fat, which is not very good. And in the microwave oven you will be able to prepare a dietary meal, while spending very little time.

The nutritional value of the omelet in the microwave is 130,6 kcal per 100 g of the dish. It contains 10,1 g of protein, 8,9 g of fat and 1,7 g of carbohydrates

как сделать омлет в микроволновке как в детском саду в пакете с молоком

To keep everything going without "surprises", remember the following rules. They will help you prepare an awesome omelet:

  1. You need to cook with fresh eggs - do not buy a product from a week ago. Although the shelf life is 2 weeks, I don't really trust them when they have been in the store for so long.
  2. The omelet will turn out to be airy if you cook it from chilled eggs. Pulled out of the refrigerator, cook right there. And if you just brought it from the store, put it in the freezer for 5-7 minutes. And only then just cook.
  3. Make an omelet with milk. This will make it lush, porous and soft. But don't overdo it. If you add too much of it, the dish will not rise.

Omelet in the microwave - recipe with photo

The advantage of microwaving is that the dish will not burn like a pan. Of course, if you don't turn it on for half an hour and forget. If this happens, read the article "how to clean the microwave". You will definitely have to wash it 🙂

And yet, special dishes should be used for cooking in the microwave. Even plastic is different. There are containers that are designed only for storing cold food. And if you put it in a microwave oven, when heated, it will start to release chemically harmful substances. And glass can be different. Hazardous substances may be present in the alloy. If you do not know what to cook in, check out the article "utensils for the microwave».

Let's start by making a classic omelette:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 10 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • seasonings at your discretion.

Break the eggs into a deep bowl, beat them with a mixer for 1,5-2 minutes. Then add flour and milk here while continuing to beat the mixture with a mixer on medium speed. Season this mixture with salt and season to taste.

для ребенка 1 год белковый омлет в микроволновке в кружке рецепт с фото

Lightly grease the pan with oil and pour the egg mixture here. Just remember that you do not need to fill in to the brim. During the cooking process, the omelet will first rise intensively, and then settle slightly.

Set the oven to the maximum power and send the form there for 2 minutes. But remember, friends, in your case, the time may be different. This indicator depends on the power of the microwave, so be guided by the characteristics of your kitchen assistant.

Omelet in a mug

If you do this, then the classic recipe for eggs with milk will be easy on you.

The main ingredients you need are:

  • egg;
  • 2 tbsp hard grated cheese;
  • 10 g butter;
  • 2, Art. milk;
  • salt + ground pepper;
  • a piece of bread.

Vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots) and greens will be an excellent option for the filling. If you wish, you can prepare this dish with sausage or ham. You will get a very tasty and hearty breakfast.

Melt the butter in a cup by microwaveing ​​it for 10 seconds. Beat the egg with a fork and combine with milk. Then add grated cheese, chopped vegetables with slices of ham here. Season the mixture with salt and season. And put all this mass into a mug. Add a crumbled slice of bread to this.

Send the dishes to the microwave. Set the maximum power, set 3-4 minutes on the timer. Then remove the cup from the microwave, turn it upside down over a flat plate. The omelet is ready. It turned out to be not only tasty, but also beautiful - the shape of such a dish is wonderful. By the way, this video will help you in the intricacies of making an omelet

Protein omelet

This dish can be eaten even by those who suffer from pancreatitis. And it is in demand among athletes.

Ingredients you need:

  • 1, Art. milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • salt + ground black pepper;
  • greens (at your discretion).

Separate the yolks from the whites, then beat the last with a mixer until foaming. We add milk here. Add salt and pepper the mixture. Next, we send finely chopped greens to the protein mass. Mix everything well.

Place the mixture in a microwave-safe container and cover with a lid on top. We set the power to 500-600 W, on the timer the time is 3 minutes. The meal is ready: enjoy the omelette! 🙂

Omelet in a package

How to cook this dish without milk and without special utensils? Just replace the milk with water (very little needed) and find a heat-resistant bag.

  • 4 tablespoons water (or milk);
  • 3 eggs;
  • ½ medium onion;
  • Xnumx boiled sausage;
  • ½ part processed cheese.

Break the eggs into a bag, close and shake it. Add milk, shake again. Tie the bag up and put it in the microwave. Cook at 620 watts for 3 minutes.

In the meantime, chop the onion finely, cut the boiled sausage into cubes. And grate the processed cheese on a coarse grater. After 3 minutes, remove the bag from the microwave. The omelet will be halfway ready, all the other ingredients have to be added. Shake the bag well again, stirring the food.

Tie the pact on a bow, let the air down a little and cook for another 3 minutes. Place it all in a heat-resistant bag. Add eggs and water, lightly beaten with a whisk, and then add salt to the mixture. Mix everything well. And here is a video showing how to cook an omelette in a bag.

Let the omelet cool slightly when you take out the bag, otherwise you may burn yourself when you open it.

Omelet as in kindergarten

Some of my friends ask: "Is it possible to make an omelet like in kindergarten?" Either nostalgia for childhood, or the desire to change something motivates them - I don't know. Therefore, I decided to share the recipe for this dish.

For 3 eggs, you need to take about a glass of milk. The mixture should be salt and stir until smooth. But do not whisk under any circumstances. Lubricate the inside of the glass pan with softened butter and pour the mixture here. Place the lid on top of the dishes and microwave. Set the power to 450 W and the timer to 20 minutes. After cooking, do not rush to immediately take out the dish. Wait a bit.

Omelet for 1 year baby

When cooking for your baby, be aware of the dangers that exist. The main one is the use of milk. Well, first of all, the baby may have a reaction to lactose. Secondly, for a baby liver, a lot of fatty milk is a big load. Therefore, when preparing porridge or other crumbs, be sure to dilute the milk with water. The recommended proportion is 1: 1. And besides, the consumption of a large number of eggs is a great burden on the liver.

And when cooking for crumbs in the microwave, you need to pay special attention to the choice of dishes. It must be labeled. This is the only way you can be sure that the dishes are safe for the child. Otherwise, the cooking method is the same as in the classic recipe, which I wrote above.

I think now you are the real experts in the field of cooking omelet in the microwave. If you have an omelet maker at home, you can share the secret of cooking in this unit. Subscribe, my friends, to updates in order to further improve your culinary skills. See you soon everyone!

Yours faithfully, Olga Steshkina

How to Make a Cheese Omelet in the Microwave
